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This study explored Aboriginal women's experiences and perceptions of pregnancy in Nova Scotia in order to determine how these were influenced by social contexts. First, the recommendations in Health Canada's (1999) Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy: National Guidelines for the Childbearing Years were critiqued based on the existing literature. Then Aboriginal women's experiences were explored through qualitative, one-on-one, semi-structured interviews, following a constructivist paradigm. Participants were ten Aboriginal women, aged 21-41, who had had a baby within the past three years and had lived in Nova Scotia for at least four years. Participants indicated that they viewed their experience of pregnancy as one in which they must balance physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual health. They also identified a number of barriers and resources to doing this. Barriers include poverty, lack of cultural competence from health professionals, and negative attitudes from others towards their pregnancy. Informal resources include cultural identification with the Aboriginal community, which promotes emotional support and mental health. Furthermore, the Aboriginal cultural value of interdependence helps ensure that pregnant women are supported by the community. Formal resources are offered to Aboriginal women through the Native Council of Nova Scotia, band offices and Health Centres, and Health Canada's Non-Insured Health Benefits program. The findings of this study suggest that prenatal programs should focus on all components of holistic health and make women feel welcome regardless of their age or marital status. More funding should be offered to reserves to support mental health programs, and to off-reserve prenatal programs to allow them to provide transportation, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, more government support is needed for women after their children are born.


Doing the best we can: Barriers and supports to healthy choices during pregnancy among Aboriginal women in Nova Scotia
Woodman, Tessah A.
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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