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The purpose of this study lay in visualizing pedagogical practices and beliefs constructed by a group of world language teachers for the teaching of culture. My experiences as a novice teacher caused me to question the use of images, creating active learning situations. By examining the practices of world language teachers, my intention was to pave the way for such teachers who seek to develop their practices with images. Piagetian constructivism enabled me to conceive students as the active subjects of learning, who construct meanings by acting on images. Teachers were situated as the teachers of active methods who acted on the relationship between students and images. Nine teachers' pedagogics were studied through interviews, class observations, and focus group interviews, and four to six students from each class were interviewed in groups. Piaget's clinical method guided me to investigate their thoughts about the visual pedagogy implemented. A grounded theory method revealed the cognitive and affective aspects of using images. First, the teachers attempted to make use of the different characteristics a variety of images suggest, aiming to elicit students' physical and cognitive actions for meaning construction. Second, the use of images concerned itself with two aspects of affectivity. Images were integrated taking students' interests in images, aiming to make learning more interesting and efficient. Also, images served as the objects to act on in the sociomoral relationship between the teacher and students, as well as between students. Third, the teachers' reflections on their choice and use of images led them to be active teachers, situating them as ongoing researchers for their future pedagogy. An investigation of visual pedagogy using a Piagetian framework suggested a picture of action-based pedagogy, seeking a balance between the teacher, students, and images for students' learning. This study provided insights into how teachers and students can construct the classroom as a space of disequilibration by using images.


Visual pedagogy for students' learning of culture in world language classes: A Piagetian interpretation
Ahn, Hyo-Kyung
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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