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The present study was carried out at the University of Navarra (Spain) on a sample of 4972 students enrolled in ten different Faculties during the academic year 1985-86. This sample represents 66.1% of the population. Data were gathered through the application of a questionnaire of 108 items, divided into nine factors. The purpose was to evaluate not only the use of mere techniques but other personal aspects, i.e., will, class activity, motivation, autonomy, etc.

Reliability of the instrument was 0.95, and predictive validity, using as the criteria the students' academic achievement, ranged between 0.34 and 0.39.

Factor analysis revealed a clear structure of six factors showing the multi-dimensionality of study habits. Multiple regression analysis pointed out the importance of the will in the determination of students' self-concept. Technical aspects of the study were also present in equations but with much less predictive value.

A moderate but constant relation between study skills and academic achievement was established.

Results also show that students are using lecture notes as a principal source of knowledge, other materials (i.e., books, research papers) are of minor importance. Students seemed not to give too much importance to personal guidance from their teachers. Implications for the planning and management of the teaching-learning process at the university level are pointed out.


Study habits and academic achievement at the university
Touron, Javier
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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