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La garantie a premiere demande est souvent exigee dans les contrats internationaux afin d'assurer l'importateur contre divers problemes susceptibles de subvenir. On se propose d'etudier dans ce travail la loi applicable a cet instrument bancaire qui a la particularite d'engendrer plusieurs relations et d'etre, dans le meme temps, independant du contrat de base. La determination de cette loi est tres importante car elle permet de situer de nombreux points qui peuvent varier selon les droits nationaux competents. Ainsi, lorsque les parties ne se sont pas prononcees en faveur d'un droit, les rattachements objectifs sont nombreux et differents. Devant l'imprevisibilite totale du resultat en cas d'absence de choix de loi, il est vivement recommande de prevoir une clause d'election de droit dans le contrat de garantie.

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The first demand guarantee is often required in international contracts in order to insure the importer against various problems that may arise. In this work we propose to study the law applicable to this banking instrument which has the particularity of generating several relationships and being, at the same time, independent of the basic contract. The determination of this law is very important because it makes it possible to locate numerous points which may vary according to the competent national laws. Thus, when the parties have not decided in favor of a right, the objective connections are numerous and different. Given the total unpredictability of the result in the absence of a choice of law, it is strongly recommended to include a choice of law clause in the guarantee contract.


La loi applicable a la garantie a premiere demande
Mongbe, Gerard
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.