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La protection de l'enveloppe physique de la personne humaine est un principe fondamental au sein de notre; societe. La Code criminel canadien contient une multitude de dispositions visant a proteger l'individu contre toute atteinte physique. Le droit civil quebecois delimite egalement, de facon plus precise, les parametres dans lesquels s'inscrivent les atteintes auxquelles un individu peut valablement consentir. Le dogme de l'inviolabilite de la personne humaine est consacre par notre droit mais l'importance du droit a l'autonomie corporelle s'accentue, particulierement en matiere de medecine non therapeutique.

Ce travail porte sur la validite, du point de vue du droit criminel canadien ainsi que du droit civil quebecois, de quatre types d'actes medicaux non curatifs, soit: la chirurgie esthetique, la sterilisation purement contraceptive, l'operation chirurgicale des transsexuels et la procreation medicalement assistee. La legalite et la legitimite de cette medecine du desir dans la societe quebecoise constituent les lignes directrices de ce memoire. A celles-ci se greffent une etude de la responsabilite civile des medecins en matiere d'interventions, de traitements et de soins non curatifs. Le contenu du contrat medical, particulierement l'obligation de renseignement qui incombe aux professionnels de la sante, fait enfin l'objet d'une attention speciale dans ce travail.

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The protection of the physical envelope of the human person is a fundamental principle within our; Company. The Canadian Criminal Code contains a multitude of provisions aimed at protecting the individual against physical harm. Quebec civil law also delimits, in a more precise manner, the parameters within which the attacks to which an individual can validly consent fall. The dogma of the inviolability of the human person is enshrined in our law but the importance of the right to bodily autonomy is increasing, particularly in matters of non-therapeutic medicine.

This work focuses on the validity, from the point of view of Canadian criminal law as well as Quebec civil law, of four types of non-curative medical acts, namely: cosmetic surgery, purely contraceptive sterilization, surgical operation of transsexuals and medically assisted procreation. The legality and legitimacy of this medicine of desire in Quebec society constitute the guidelines of this memoir. Added to these is a study of the civil liability of doctors in matters of interventions, treatments and non-curative care. The content of the medical contract, particularly the information obligation incumbent on health professionals, is finally the subject of special attention in this work.


La medecine du desir
Jacob, Marie-Claude
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.