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Pressentant que ses creations en art visuel temoignent de sa croissance personnelle, l'auteure de cette recherche nous amene a porter avec elle un nouveau regard sur ses creations artistiques a la lumiere de la psychosynthese. Avec cette psychologie transpersonnelle comme guide, elle effectue un long voyage interieur sur les traces des personnages qui habitent seize de ses creations realisees a diverses epoques de sa vie.

S'inspirant de la facon dont les psychosynthesistes font regarder a leurs clients les dessins libres qu'ils creent, elle rencontre d'abord les personnages qui jalonnent son passe creatif. Ils lui racontent, en poesie, leur histoire. Elle constate que leur histoire, c'est son histoire. Elle decouvre que cette histoire suit un scenario tres precis et que ce scenario c'est celui que suivent tous les etres dans leur realisation, dans leur croissance.

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Sensing that her creations in visual art testify to her personal growth, the author of this research leads us to take with her a new look at her artistic creations in the light of psychosynthesis. With this transpersonal psychology as a guide, she undertakes a long inner journey in the footsteps of the characters who inhabit sixteen of her creations made at various periods of her life.

Inspired by the way psychosynthesists make their clients look at the free drawings they create, she first meets the characters who mark her creative past. They tell him, in poetry, their story. She sees that their story is her story. She discovers that this story follows a very precise scenario and that this scenario is the one that all beings follow in their realization, in their growth.


Nouveau regard sur mes creations artistiques a la lumiere de la psychosynthese
Simard, Helene
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.