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This study examines the MANAGER (Management and A ccountability through Geographic Review) management model of the Arlington (Texas) Police Department (APD). MANAGER is a Compstat-like program. The study shows that MANAGER has the ability to incorporate the facilitative elements of a learning organization within the APD. The institutional tools, crime statistics, crime maps, hot spots, and crime analysis, organizational design through geographic policing, and the periodic local and central meetings are major elements of MANAGER in building a learning organization. A multi-dimensional survey of the APD’s organizational performance is another issue of this research. The researcher measured the contribution of MANAGER to the APD’s performance through a quasi-experimental time-series designs. The results indicate that the MANAGER has not made a significant contribution to the APD’s organizational performance. However, it moderately helped the APD in controlling crime and in clearing the cases; besides, it significantly reduced the firearm use over time. This case study is unique in that it adds value to the enormous Compstat descriptive studies by exploring the contributions of the MANAGER, a Compstat-like program, to the organizational performance of the APD. This dissertation sheds light on the future research opportunities to enhance MANAGER of the APD for higher performance. Most importantly, it proposes ideas to develop a modern police management model for competent officers, teams, and departments contributing to a sustainable society.


Can a police department utilize organizational learning to improve its capacity? A case study of Arlington Police Department's MANAGER management model
Ozdemir, Habib
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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