
In Idaho, staffing speech-language pathologists in a school-based setting is challenging. With the requirements changing, more school districts are finding it difficult to fill the positions with highly qualified and/or certified SLPs. Research has shown that school-based SLPs are generally satisfied with their jobs in the schools, but there are some areas of dissatisfaction. One of these areas is the type and amount of supervision available for SLPs.

This study was a mixed methods design investigating the supervision, evaluation and professional development opportunities of school-based speech-language pathologists in Idaho. The quantitative portion of the study consisted of a statewide survey mailed to all 207 school-based SLPs in Idaho. Results of the survey are shared.

The qualitative portion of the research consisted of 9 interviews with building principals, special education administrators and SLPs from three varying sized school districts. Patterns evolved into four key themes: Professional Relationships, Professional Expectations, Professional Standards of Practice, and Professional Staffing Challenges.

Results indicated SLPs were generally satisfied with the supervision, evaluation and professional development opportunities that were provided. Some areas for improvement were having a specific evaluation tool with criteria specifically designed for SLPs, more appropriate supervision, but not necessarily more supervision, and a strong desire for additional professional development opportunities. Recommendations for policy and practice are made in addition to the model evaluation tool developed as a result of the findings.


An investigation of supervision, evaluation and professional development practices of school-based speech -language pathologists in Idaho
Sawyer, Peggy O'Neil
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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