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The purpose of this study was to design, develop and evaluate virtual online labs as a supplement to the General Microbiology hands-on lab course taught at the University of Wyoming and to analyze student and faculty perceptions of the usefulness of these virtual labs. The virtual labs were designed and developed between fall 2003 and spring 2005. During the fall semester of 2005, the virtual labs were available to students and student responses were collected. Most of the students, 75% (n=54), in the class voluntarily accessed the virtual labs and the student response to the virtual labs was extremely positive in terms of its perceived usefulness. Using a five-point Likert scale where 5 is "Strongly Agree" and 1 is "Strongly Disagree" students were asked if the virtual lab project "Helped me prepare for the lab practical", the mean for this questions was x¯=4.22. When students were asked if the virtual lab project "Needs to be continued", the mean was x¯=4.65. Faculty perceptions, collected via informal interview, were also extremely positive. Use of the virtual labs continued through the fall of 2006 as a review tool for the lab practical exam as well as for make-up labs and to assist students with medical problems who could not participate in the hands-on lab. Recommendations for design and development include: matching individual skills with development and production tasks, taking photographs for inclusion into the virtual lab in conjunction with the hands-on labs, utilizing rapid prototyping strategies, creating links to information within units, using online expert evaluation for online products and incorporating both expert and novice focus groups during formative evaluation.


The virtual edge: Development and evaluation of virtual labs for a general microbiology classroom
Boggs, Christine N.
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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