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The aim of this mixed methods study was to explore the respective views of MBA program directors and corporate recruiters of MBA program graduates in the United States on the importance of 12 specific skills for MBA graduates, and the effectiveness of the MBA curriculum in preparing graduates in those skills.

Moreover, the study examined the participants' views on critical challenges facing MBA graduates, potential gaps in the MBA curriculum, and possible strategies to resolve those gaps. The study's skill set was based on the findings of the 2005 Graduate Management Admissions Council Recruiters' Survey.

The findings suggested that MBA directors and corporate recruiters of MBA graduates agree on the importance of the study's MBA graduate skill set. However, academic participants were more optimistic than their corporate counterparts about the current effectiveness of MBA programs in developing the study's skill set in their graduates. Nevertheless, the corporate participants appeared encouraged by the current direction of the MBA curriculum and were positive about the future potential of MBA programs to effectively prepare their graduates for corporate positions.

Finally, both corporate and academic participants expressed a strong commitment to future collaboration on the MBA curriculum, and promoted greater participation among the many stakeholders of MBA programs.


Corporate and academic views on the importance of an MBA graduate skill set and the effectiveness of the United States Master's of Business Administration curriculum in developing those skills
Brooks, Lynn M.
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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