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Modeling is an essential aspect of information systems (IS) development. A modeling method defines the constructs and syntax that modelers can use to develop information models. Despite the proliferation of modeling methods, only a few have been widely accepted by the IS development community. IS developers are ultimately the ones who use these modeling methods and evaluate their acceptability. Therefore, the long-term viability of a modeling method and its eventual success depend on its extensive and continued use by IS developers.

IS researchers have extensively studied the acceptance of information technology and information systems. To date, there appears to be no study that has investigated the issue of modeling methods acceptance by IS developers. This study examines IS developers' modeling method continuance by identifying factors that influence their intention to continue using a modeling method.

The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is one of the most prominent theories of behavioral intention. Many IS theoretical perspectives and models of technology acceptance find their roots in the TPB. Thus, the TPB was used as the primary theoretical foundation for this research. The TPB postulates that one's behavioral intention is determined by attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, which are in turn determined by antecedent factors. Based on a comprehensive literature review, a research model to explain IS developers' modeling method continuance was developed. A cross-sectional survey study was conducted to test the research model. The findings indicate that (1) the general framework of the TPB is valid in explaining IS developers' intention to continue using a modeling method; (2) two institutional factors (training and social influence) have significant impact on attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control.

As one of the earliest studies examining the actual acceptance of modeling methods, this research integrates various theoretical perspectives of post-adoption behavioral intention. The resulting domain specific research model provides an in-depth understanding of individual developers' modeling method continuance.


Understanding information systems developers' modeling method continuance: A theoretical model and an empirical test
Tan, Xin
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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