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La presente these decrit le rapport historique fondateur des obligations de la Couronne envers les societes autochtones du Canada et les obligations qui lui sont associees. Ce rapport a ete forge principalement pendant la guerre de Sept Ans (1756-1763), lorsque la Couronne de Grande Bretagne a promis aux societes autochtones du Canada la protection de leurs droits prives contre les fraudes et les empietements commis par des etrangers. Pour decrire un tel rapport sui generis, l'auteur propose un certain nombre d'institutions juridiques: avant une cession des droits autochtones, la relation entre la Couronne et ses proteges serait alors assimilable a celle entre un seigneur feodal et son tenancier; apres une cession, elle se comparerait a un contrat ou a une fiducie de droit prive, un trust, selon que la cession s'est faite par traite ou unilateralement. L'auteur termine en precisant l'identite des partenaires gouvernemental et autochtone, debiteur et creancier des obligations regaliennes.

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This thesis describes the founding historical relationship of the Crown's obligations to Indigenous societies in Canada and the obligations associated with it. This relationship was primarily forged during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), when the Crown of Great Britain promised the indigenous societies of Canada protection of their private rights against fraud and encroachment by outsiders. To describe such a sui generis relationship, the author proposes a certain number of legal institutions: before a transfer of indigenous rights, the relationship between the Crown and its protégés would then be assimilated to that between a feudal lord and his tenant; after a transfer, it would be compared to a contract or to a private law trust, a trust, depending on whether the transfer was made by treaty or unilaterally. The author ends by specifying the identity of the government and indigenous partners, debtor and creditor of the legal obligations.


Le rapport historique fondateur des obligations de la Couronne envers les societes autochtones du Canada
Emond, Andre
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.